That's where we
come in. We won't take the place of your own Doctor,
but we will focus on areas of prevention which he does not
have time for. "When the Student is Ready, the Teacher
will Appear." Everyone has a limited amount of
Time, Money and Energy to dedicate to their Health and
Appearance. Dr. Christian is the perfect "Teacher" to
help you make better choices about how you spend your
Valued Time, Money and Energy regarding your Nutrition,
Exercise and Skin Care. You will see your own Doctor for
Regular Physicals and Checkups, but be certain that Proper Nutrition and
Exercise will go a long way to helping with whatever
acute or chronic problems you have, and we will be focusing
on these areas. Dr. Christian has worked in the San Antonio
area for over 30 years and has a large network of
Physician Friends. He is ready to advise you and help you find a good Doctor if you
need one for any of your issues. This referral service is free if you are enrolled
in our
You know what I'm talking about! Smoking, excess alcohol,
overeating, caffeine, illicit drugs, unsafe sex, flirting
with a Gangster's Girlfriend. Enough said, this just makes
sense. Just look around you and all the lives
destroyed by these activities. Follow
Benjamin Franklin's 13 Virtues. If you need
professional help with these issues, find it.
4. Learn a good Macronutrition
Program like our modified
approach and start a reasonable
Micronutrition program with lots of High
Quality Protein and Fish Oil and work on your Gut Heatlh!
In other words, do
what your Mother and Grandmother said! Eat your meat, eat those vegetables
and take this Cod Liver Oil!! This includes
adequate water and fiber and attention to your Gut Flora
with Probiotics. Adequate
amounts of High Quality Protein and Omega 3 Fish Oil will
make a huge difference in your health and your ability to
fight infections! Dr. Sears, the Founder of the Zone
diet says, "If you have only 15 seconds in a day to take
care of yourself, in those 15 seconds, gag down as much fish
oil as you can!" Dr. Christian is the ONLY
Physician in San
Antonio Certified
by Dr. Sears to teach the
Anti-Inflammatory Zone Nutrition Program and its principles.
He is
is experienced and knowledgeable in
Zone/Paleo/Nutritional Ketosis/Low-Carbohydrate/Cutting and
Bulking strategies for fat loss and muscle gains. Use
Probiotics, Prebiotics and fermented foods to improve your
Gut Health.
Start a
High Intensity
Strength training using our High Intensity Low Velocity (Hi-Lo Strength
and and a walking program.
Don't use aerobics as your primary form of exercise.
If there is a single Anti-Aging Strategy, it has to
be High Intensity Strength Training! 'Sarcopenia"
Sarco=Flesh, Penia=Less, means loss of strength and muscle
as we age, sets you up to get weak and fat,
ugh....not for me!! One or two 20 minute
workouts a week is all it takes to avoid that
wheelchair! We treat Exercise as Drug, not to
much and not too little. It is amazing how little
exercise you need to do if it is intense enough.
Do too much and you risk the chance of injury and
waste time. Save your time for your
Recreation! Strength Training will make these
activities more enjoyable and you will be more
resistant to injury! See Dr. Christian's article:
Training: a strategy to combat the loss of lean mass
and strength associated with the Frailty Syndrome", San Antonio Medicine,
Dec 2013 .pdf file
6. Develop a Spiritual, Meditative side of your
It will reduce stress in your life. There is a lot
around us to inspire us if we only pause and look.
Job Stress leads to a
miserable life. Read about what Steve Jobs,
Apple Founder had to say about
"You've Got To Find What You Love"!
"Stay Hungry, Stay
Foolish" Steve Jobs
12. Reduce your Debt!
Financial Stress is
sometimes overwhelming and may encourage us to do
illegal things. Work hard and earn your money
living a life of purpose. Heed Benjamin Franklin's
message "The proper accumulation of wealth can
sometimes be a blessing, the improper accumulation
of wealth can never be a blessing".
Start Monitoring your "Health Triad" of Nutrition,
Exercise and Sleep!
See how
Dr. Christian monitors his "Health Triad" Sleep, Nutrition
and Exercise!
Check out some Testimonials from the Inside Outside
Inside Outside Stars
are great examples of the results we have been
seeing and what it is like to like to Live "The Inside
Outside Way of Life!"
15. Check out some
Members Spotlighted in our Newsletters!